North Alabama Home Educators
List of Home Education E-mail Lists

Alabama Specific Lists

Alabama Unschoolers (AU)
Run by a homeschooling mom of four in Huntsville. AU is for anyone in, near or moving to Alabama with an interest in homeschooling with unschooling leanings. It is open, unmoderated and inclusive. Since unschooling encompasses our whole lives NOTHING is *off-topic*. Our one rule is respect. You can disagree with anyone, *including* the listowner, with no fear of any retribution, but please attack the idea, NOT the person.
Web Site:
If you need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you have trouble subscribing, or have questions about the list) send email to

Subscribe to alabama-unschoolers
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Homeschooling in alabama. Everyone is welcome, we are children friendly and safe. To subscribe go to Onelist by clicking on this button:
Subscribe to AlabamaHomeschooling
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For more information,

For directors of Alabama church schools who give legal covering to homeschoolers, otherwise known as cover schools.
To subscribe go to Yahoogroups by clicking on this button:

Or click this link:
For more information, send email to:

Home Educated Kids/Teens Lists

Free Voice
A list where homeschooled kids and teens can discuss their writing and other things.
Comes out every 2 weeks.
To subscribe, e-mail
and ask to be added to the Free Voice list.

Home Learning Teens
To subscribe to homelearningteens send an email to:
with the following command in the body of the message:
subscribe homelearningteens

Other lists (General and specific Topics):

General homeschooling support, open to all. Very high volume.
To subscribe to home-ed, send email to
with the following command in the body of the message

American Homeschool Association Networking & Discussion list
An open list for national networking and information sharing run by the Directors of the American Homeschool Association, Mark and Helen Hegener.
To subscribe to this list, send mail to
with the following command in the body of your email message:
subscribe aha-networking-list your_name@your_address
If you need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you have trouble subscribing, or have questions about the list) send email to

Home-Ed Politics
For discussing politics related to homeschooling.
To subscribe, send email to
with the following command in the body of the message:
subscribe home-ed-politics YOUR FULL NAME

Unschoolers' Circle
The Unschoolers Circle is for anyone interested in home education with unschooling leanings. Like the Round Table of Arthurian legend, we are a group of equals. Everyone has something to contribute, from the newest newbie to the most experienced old hand. There are NO stupid questions! Since unschooling includes your whole life our topics range widely and you never know what's being discussed until you check in. :-D
This list is run by the same homeschooling mom of four who runs the Alabama Unschoolers list.
Web Page:
Subscribe by sending email to
If you need to get in contact with the owner of the list, (if you have trouble subscribing, or have questions about the list) send email to

Subscribe to UnschoolersCircle
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Unschooling List
Under new ownership - focus is unschooling.
Subscribe by sending email to
with the following command in the body of the message:
subscribe unschooling-list

Radical Unschoolers
List supporting those who prefer to let their child choose the subject, style, time, and place for their own learning, and who are opposed to forcing children to learn according to any timetable other than their own.
To subscribe send email to:
with the following command in the body of your email message:
subscribe ru

Christ-Centered Unschoolers
Send mail to hub@XC.Org
with the following command in the body of your email
subscribe ccu-list

LDS Home Learners
Latter Day Saints homeschoolers
To subscribe to the LDSLearn mailing list, send an email message to
with the following command in the body of your email message:
subscribe ldslearn
Insert your current e-mail address in the place of "your email address".

Try to Learn
a Moore list, as in Relaxed Homeschooling
To subscribe send email to
and ask to be added to the Try 2 Learn loop.

Train Up a Child
There are 4 of these Christian lists (practical, support, parenting, and just the plain one).
To subscribe to the topical lists and to the HSTUAC Digest, send an email to "vms" is followed by a one, not an ell
with this as the body of the message:
subscribe hstuac-parenting
subscribe hstuac-practical
subscribe hstuac-support
subscribe hstuac
set hstuac digest
Leave out lines 4-5 if you just want the topical lists.

Unit Study Coffeetable
"where homeschoolers meet and chat about unit studies"
Send email to the listowner at
and ask her to add you to the Unit Study Coffeetable list.

Muslim Homeschoolers
One can subscribe by sending email to
In the body of the message write:
subscribe holdfast

List for families with boys becoming men - based on Blessed is the Man curriculum for young men, but scope is much broader than that.
To subscribe send a message to
In the body type exactly:
subscribe blessed-man

Homeschool Autism list
The list is private and cannot be accessed by non-members.
To subscribe, send a biography to the listowner, Tammy Glaser, at
In the biography, include:

Email Newsletters

Newsletter that comes via email (free)
For subscription information, send email to

Home Education Magazine newsletter that comes via email.
It's different from the magazine, but put out by the same people.
Subscriptions to HEM's Online Newsletter are free by request via email.
Send an email to with this in the body:
subscribe hem-online-newsletter
If you would like the current edition send an email to
with the word current_online in the subject line.

The Homeschooling Zone
An email newsletter (free)
To subscribe, just send a message to the editor of the newsletter at, asking to be subscribed to the Homeschooling Zone email newsletter.

If you know of another list we should add email us at:

© 1997